Monday, September 13, 2010

It's me Ms. clean !

You see me as a typical teenage girl , I can often be found hiden in the back corner in Chemestry class getting extra help from mad scientist Mrs.Hopp. All of a sudden while I was conducting an experiement an explosion occured ! As I glanced down at my arm I watched in horror as chemicals began seeping into my skin . Wait a minute ... those chemicals were radioactive. Within seconds i realized that everything i touch is ten times cleaner or brighter and i cant stop cleaning. It's a sickness . I am compelled to sneak into my sisters room ,to make her bed or pick up her dirty clothing up off the floor without her even  begging  me too, or paying me a large amount of money .  I catch a glimps of myself in the mirrior. I dont look any different. But without even thinking I suddenly  move at the speed of light . My hands are like the Mr. Clean magic eraser. My hair is now like the sham wow, it absorbes and clean anything, theres nothing else like it . I have to come to my senses! How I can use this superpwer of mine for the greater good ? I can be a hero to those messy teenagers who have no hope in life. No more teachers screaming in there ear complaining that they aren't organized . Parents will no longer yell at them saying their room looks like a pig pen.  I now know my destiny. I am here to fight off those dust bunnies and make others lives so much easier as it will be gleaming of perfection  . If dirt is near, no need to fear, I am here.