Friday, October 15, 2010

The forgotten

     "How dare you " mumbled Deb as she speaks under her breath.  
     " What was that Hun ?" replies Dan as his eyes are captured towards the television. Not even paying attention to the look on his wife's face as here eyes are piercing through his soul .
     " You have no idea what I'm talking about do you " argued Deb in frustration as her idiot of a husband is to focused on the television that he's not even acknowledging what she has to say.
     " Oh .. I'm sorry did i forget to take out the garbage again ?"," I did didn't I , I'll do that right now." assured Dan. But of course he didn't get up off his rear end as he just continued to watch his t.v. and the reached to his hand out to grab the news paper over by the night stand to make sure that the Canuck's game was on at 6 tonight.
      " Do you have any idea what day it is today Dan ?" Deb lectured .
      " Awe Deb you knew when the Canucks game was on ?" Did you actually think it was going to forget the most important day of the year ?" Grinned Dan as he has been looking forward to watch this game since the season ended.
     " Actually it's September 27th , which happens to be my Birthday .. you idiot !"scolded Deb as . Then the room became silent .Dan just thinking in his head oh dear i am an idiot , knowing that Deb was never going to let this go.
     " Deb , I'm terribly sorry it must have slipped my mind ." Explained Dan , She gave him an ice cold look and then turned away from him as the black tear drop rolled down her cheek . Her just ignoring him as he apologized over and over . She replies " It's okay you can just take me out for dinner on my next 30th Birthday " in a grunted tone of voice . After many nights of sleeping on the couch Dan had made sure that he would record the hockey game ; so that he would never miss his wife's birthday every again.

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