Monday, November 1, 2010

You cant fight fate

 After a  hard day of work on the ranch George enters the barn to put the horses away ; he hears this voice calling his name . As he turns his head ; he caches a glimpse of Curley's wife . From then on it was love at first site .
      " Sorry miss did you say something ?" George replies with a grin . She gives him the eye and nods her head.
      " I've been waiting for you George " giggled Curelys wife .
      "Well good things come to those who wait" stated George . As she struts towards George with poise and confidence and approaches him with a soft gentle hand  on his shoulder and a light whisper in his ear pleading
      " I've been waiting for the man of my dreams." she leans in towards George , Curely storms in
      " Well !What do we have here ?"
      "Come on Curley, love is blind .You've just got to take it like a man ; because you can't fight fate" stated George.
       "You have been under my skin since you stepped on this ranch George; you and that big dummy of a friend Lennie . " sneered Curley
       " Alright calm down Curley let's settle this like two grown men. Lets not get all worked up like this" requested George.
       Curley yells to his wife" Are you being serious right now ?Are you leaving me for him ? Or are you just trying to push my buttons?" Curley's eyes are filled with anger his head seems like its going to pop a vein and then he takes a swing at George's cheek and began to fight like cats and dogs.

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