Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How could you not choose me ?

   Dear College Professors letter. Clearly he doesn't understand that people know who I am .I'm the type of person you would see i fairy tale books and movies. As i wake up from a wonderful dream, dreaming  about my prince charming of  course,  As i swing open the windows the birds approach me with a song and bring beautiful dress towards me that fits me like a glove. I wash my face with sparkling water and i brush my hair with a golden comb, now thats just an everyday morning for me, ! People have written novels about the accomplishments I've made. I have walked on water. It's true you can even read it in the book  I'm in. The Bible .. I'm the protagonist.Once the book The Bible came out it was huge success .Everyone has heard of it . It was on New York's best seller for over a month. However i was extremely over whelmed when  people started rushing up to me and started confessing there feelings . My mind was about to burst. I decided to settle down , get a way to some quiet place ... the land of forks you may of heard of it. Unfortunately i ended up in this really intense relationship. The guy was almost obsessed with me. He just looked at me like i was something to eat. I have more respect for myself so i had to end it  ; now i heard that he's dating the other new girl , someone girl named like Bella Swan. I doubt  thats will turn out .Those are only a couple moments of my life that people find intrigued. I feel right when i left my mothers whume and entered the world people knew accomplish great things. The doctor did say i fought off the greatest evil in my mom stomach they called the tom riddle . I was only left with a scratch on my head . When i was four i could speak fluent French to the English , I would do paintings for the blind they said the looked beautiful. You maybe wondering who is the fantastic creature?

I am

The person you see in the halls , as the wind rushes through my hairs and as all eyes are on me .

I am

The girl who you is always on the cover of Peoples Magazine

I am

xoxo gossip girl

If you still don't know who I am . Then we are going to have a little more then a problem .
I am girl who will be attending you school the coming September . I am the one , the only

Deandra Burke

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