Friday, November 5, 2010

My heart pounded as i was pacing down the deprived ghetto , a fragile boney arm tugs on the corn of the my shirt . My eyes glance below. I see this little girl, hair of string , face covered with mud , screaming for money.I had nothing. Continuing on my journey , my eyes start to water as if onion juice were squeezed into my eye . Tears and sweat began rolling down my face. I began to walk at a fast pace and I went faster and faster and faster , before i knew it my face was pressed against the concrete as rocks were punctured into my cheek bones . i raised my head and my eyes are drawn to this older women who is completely drenched from the rain , but not one bone in her body was shaking from the cold , as she lit her cigarette a puff a smoke seeping through the air , the lady hunched over the curb as she reached her hand toward mine , I hesitated for just a slight moment as her hand of warn leather grabbed mine , a smile of rotten teeth sprung amongst her face however i smiled right back .

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