Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You'll only hear it from me !

 Gary Sinise does a terrific job of capturing the emotions and hidden meaning from the novel of mice and men written by : John Steinbeck  by bringing it to life and pasting it on the big screen. George Milton and Lennie Smalls two traveling companions seeking to find work during the Great Depression. In all of my life time of movie critiquing i have never seen such a close comparison from a novel to a film. Sinise does a fantastic job of making the character come to life. He reveals the protective but kind hearted side of George towards his not so intelligent of a Friend Lennie . I was extremely please how well Sinise portrayed the relationship between Lennie and George from the to the film .However i did picture the ending quite differently; i felt that in the film he did not quite get the emotional level of the novel when George kills Lennie i pictured George hesitating in the novel as he was raising the gun up and down wondering if he will be regretting this moment as soon as he pulls the trigger . I noticed in the film he did it without even hesitating and pulls the trigger with no remorse. Other than that i found the film very close to the book great characters to match the great entertainment .

1 comment:

  1. All 4 assignments complete - good job. Your film review needs proofreading. Good detail in your dialogue but stay in the same tense, it switches.
