Wednesday, December 8, 2010

True love of a Freshman

The new flock has arrived . As the little grade nine girls have entered the lions den. The senior boys swoon over the new arrivals. Like vultures attacking a little delicate ground squirrel.The girls are mesmerized by the senior boys "charm" and smitten by there looks. Girls thinking that they will become top of the popularity list if they start dating "mature" older guy . But they don't realize " when your fifteen somebody tells you they love you,your going to believe them " quote from someone who is excellent with relationships Taylor Swift . Oh young love of grade nine girl . Some how when a boy asks you out on date from then on  you are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend, makes complete sense doesn't it ! I'm telling you high school relationships are getting more and more serious by the minute. Within only weeks young couples are madly in love and they have to spend every minute of everyday , saying oh baby I love you. Then you know it's extremely serious when you are in a relationship on Facebook. Then you are pretty much getting married . Commenting on echothers statuses " been dating for one month love you ! " must be love if you have been dating for thirty days i already hear the wedding bells ringing . But the whole world crumbles when your status becomes SINGLE !!! friends commenting on it within minutes being so concerend with your love life saying : oh my goodness what happened? and also im so sorry  to hear about that . Tears just keep rushing down for about a week , once the puffiness from there eyes have disappeared . Most likely that grade nine girl or boy has moved on , within the matter of two months and are madly in love once again . Aren't grade nine relationships so tough to keep up with ? I know i miss those days ...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


She Will Be Loved Ringtone Send "She Will Be Loved" Ringtone to your Cell She Will Be Loved Ringtone

"She Will Be Loved"

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along, yeah
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

[in the background]
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Try so hard to say goodbye

The song "She will be loved " by Marroon 5 is about a promiscuous girl who is living on the streets , however a man falls in love with her and trys to confince her to be with him. The song she will be loved has many poetic devices throughout the lyrics.There is some parallel structure used for the chorus of the song "And She will be loved " . Maroon 5 also uses personification when he says " look for a girl with a broken smile" and also when he says "my heart is full". In the the first stanza there is use of Internal Rhyme.

Friday, November 5, 2010

My heart pounded as i was pacing down the deprived ghetto , a fragile boney arm tugs on the corn of the my shirt . My eyes glance below. I see this little girl, hair of string , face covered with mud , screaming for money.I had nothing. Continuing on my journey , my eyes start to water as if onion juice were squeezed into my eye . Tears and sweat began rolling down my face. I began to walk at a fast pace and I went faster and faster and faster , before i knew it my face was pressed against the concrete as rocks were punctured into my cheek bones . i raised my head and my eyes are drawn to this older women who is completely drenched from the rain , but not one bone in her body was shaking from the cold , as she lit her cigarette a puff a smoke seeping through the air , the lady hunched over the curb as she reached her hand toward mine , I hesitated for just a slight moment as her hand of warn leather grabbed mine , a smile of rotten teeth sprung amongst her face however i smiled right back .

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How could you not choose me ?

   Dear College Professors letter. Clearly he doesn't understand that people know who I am .I'm the type of person you would see i fairy tale books and movies. As i wake up from a wonderful dream, dreaming  about my prince charming of  course,  As i swing open the windows the birds approach me with a song and bring beautiful dress towards me that fits me like a glove. I wash my face with sparkling water and i brush my hair with a golden comb, now thats just an everyday morning for me, ! People have written novels about the accomplishments I've made. I have walked on water. It's true you can even read it in the book  I'm in. The Bible .. I'm the protagonist.Once the book The Bible came out it was huge success .Everyone has heard of it . It was on New York's best seller for over a month. However i was extremely over whelmed when  people started rushing up to me and started confessing there feelings . My mind was about to burst. I decided to settle down , get a way to some quiet place ... the land of forks you may of heard of it. Unfortunately i ended up in this really intense relationship. The guy was almost obsessed with me. He just looked at me like i was something to eat. I have more respect for myself so i had to end it  ; now i heard that he's dating the other new girl , someone girl named like Bella Swan. I doubt  thats will turn out .Those are only a couple moments of my life that people find intrigued. I feel right when i left my mothers whume and entered the world people knew accomplish great things. The doctor did say i fought off the greatest evil in my mom stomach they called the tom riddle . I was only left with a scratch on my head . When i was four i could speak fluent French to the English , I would do paintings for the blind they said the looked beautiful. You maybe wondering who is the fantastic creature?

I am

The person you see in the halls , as the wind rushes through my hairs and as all eyes are on me .

I am

The girl who you is always on the cover of Peoples Magazine

I am

xoxo gossip girl

If you still don't know who I am . Then we are going to have a little more then a problem .
I am girl who will be attending you school the coming September . I am the one , the only

Deandra Burke

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You'll only hear it from me !

 Gary Sinise does a terrific job of capturing the emotions and hidden meaning from the novel of mice and men written by : John Steinbeck  by bringing it to life and pasting it on the big screen. George Milton and Lennie Smalls two traveling companions seeking to find work during the Great Depression. In all of my life time of movie critiquing i have never seen such a close comparison from a novel to a film. Sinise does a fantastic job of making the character come to life. He reveals the protective but kind hearted side of George towards his not so intelligent of a Friend Lennie . I was extremely please how well Sinise portrayed the relationship between Lennie and George from the to the film .However i did picture the ending quite differently; i felt that in the film he did not quite get the emotional level of the novel when George kills Lennie i pictured George hesitating in the novel as he was raising the gun up and down wondering if he will be regretting this moment as soon as he pulls the trigger . I noticed in the film he did it without even hesitating and pulls the trigger with no remorse. Other than that i found the film very close to the book great characters to match the great entertainment .

Monday, November 1, 2010

You cant fight fate

 After a  hard day of work on the ranch George enters the barn to put the horses away ; he hears this voice calling his name . As he turns his head ; he caches a glimpse of Curley's wife . From then on it was love at first site .
      " Sorry miss did you say something ?" George replies with a grin . She gives him the eye and nods her head.
      " I've been waiting for you George " giggled Curelys wife .
      "Well good things come to those who wait" stated George . As she struts towards George with poise and confidence and approaches him with a soft gentle hand  on his shoulder and a light whisper in his ear pleading
      " I've been waiting for the man of my dreams." she leans in towards George , Curely storms in
      " Well !What do we have here ?"
      "Come on Curley, love is blind .You've just got to take it like a man ; because you can't fight fate" stated George.
       "You have been under my skin since you stepped on this ranch George; you and that big dummy of a friend Lennie . " sneered Curley
       " Alright calm down Curley let's settle this like two grown men. Lets not get all worked up like this" requested George.
       Curley yells to his wife" Are you being serious right now ?Are you leaving me for him ? Or are you just trying to push my buttons?" Curley's eyes are filled with anger his head seems like its going to pop a vein and then he takes a swing at George's cheek and began to fight like cats and dogs.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The forgotten

     "How dare you " mumbled Deb as she speaks under her breath.  
     " What was that Hun ?" replies Dan as his eyes are captured towards the television. Not even paying attention to the look on his wife's face as here eyes are piercing through his soul .
     " You have no idea what I'm talking about do you " argued Deb in frustration as her idiot of a husband is to focused on the television that he's not even acknowledging what she has to say.
     " Oh .. I'm sorry did i forget to take out the garbage again ?"," I did didn't I , I'll do that right now." assured Dan. But of course he didn't get up off his rear end as he just continued to watch his t.v. and the reached to his hand out to grab the news paper over by the night stand to make sure that the Canuck's game was on at 6 tonight.
      " Do you have any idea what day it is today Dan ?" Deb lectured .
      " Awe Deb you knew when the Canucks game was on ?" Did you actually think it was going to forget the most important day of the year ?" Grinned Dan as he has been looking forward to watch this game since the season ended.
     " Actually it's September 27th , which happens to be my Birthday .. you idiot !"scolded Deb as . Then the room became silent .Dan just thinking in his head oh dear i am an idiot , knowing that Deb was never going to let this go.
     " Deb , I'm terribly sorry it must have slipped my mind ." Explained Dan , She gave him an ice cold look and then turned away from him as the black tear drop rolled down her cheek . Her just ignoring him as he apologized over and over . She replies " It's okay you can just take me out for dinner on my next 30th Birthday " in a grunted tone of voice . After many nights of sleeping on the couch Dan had made sure that he would record the hockey game ; so that he would never miss his wife's birthday every again.